When the Adults Change, Everything Changes Post 1

"Only recently I witnessed a PE teacher saving the life of a child in a swimming pool, a teaching assistant talking down a child with violent intent and a teacher conselling a child whose father had just ben incarcerated. Performance manage that." - Paul Dix p 1. The above quote is one of my favourites from the best education book I've read (probably). It speaks in real and personal ways about many of the things that I'm passionate about as a teacher: Relationships - Culture - Teamwork Visible Consistency, Visible Kindness Chapter 1 is all about consistency and how hard this is to achieve. Keeping teachers on the same page takes a lot of commitment, an "all in" vision, a written agreement and some awkward follow up conversations. However, consistency is kindness because it gives kids security. Even a simple routine - how to enter the classroom - can have many different expectations. The author suggests a keystone habit of 'meet and greet' at ...