Sharp Reading 3

It was really helpful meeting up with my coach twice during lockdown. Previously, we had set a goal of doing a Sharp Reading observation with the swivel camera focusing on group and whole class management. Of course this went out the window because we're in lockdown. However, we have bumped that across to Term 4. This will fit really well with the Unit 8 focus on increasing fluency. My coach suggested finishing the online units during lockdown. So I have done that and achieved my certificate!! I haven't completed the 20 hours of practise yet, but I expect to get more practise once we get back to school. In Unit 6, I learned how to score students accurately (and practised this with my coach). In Unit 7, I learned to teach the vocabulary strategies to clear the roadblocks (and practised this with my coach). For me, the most important outcome is that I can pick up a Level 3 Sharp lesson and teach it when I'm releasing a teacher.